Saturday, February 15, 2025

11 Important Benefits of Fish Oil, Based on Science


11 Important Benefits of Fish Oil, Based on Science

1. May Support Heart Health

Fish oil is an excellent source of omega-3s, which is good for the heart and the brain. Research shows that people who eat a lot of fish have much lower rates of heart disease. Multiple risk factors for heart disease appear to be reduced by consuming fish or fish oil. The benefits of fish oil for heart health include helping to lower cholesterol, lower triglycerides, reduce blood pressure, and prevent the formation of plaques that harden arteries.

2. May Help Treat Certain Mental Health Conditions

If you measure the weight of the brain without any fluid, it will contain about 20% polyunsaturated fatty acids, which include omega-3s. Therefore, omega-3s are essential for typical brain function. In fact, research suggests that people with certain mental health conditions have lower omega-3 blood levels, and having more omega-3s may help prevent the onset or improve the symptoms of some mental health conditions like depression.

3. May Support Eye Health

Evidence shows that people who don’t get enough omega-3s have a greater risk of eye diseases, with the exception of dry eye disease. Furthermore, eye health begins to decline in old age, which can lead to age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Eating fish is linked to a reduced risk of AMD, but the results from fish oil supplements are less convincing.

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4. May Reduce Inflammation

Because fish oil has anti-inflammatory properties, it may help treat chronic inflammatory conditions. For example, increased weight or stress can sometimes contribute to higher levels of inflammation. When it comes to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), however, the role of omega-3 still isn’t fully determined.

5. May Support Healthy Skin

Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and it contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids. Research suggests that omega-3 may help with reducing symptoms of atopic dermatitis, which is a chronic skin condition characterized by inflammation, itching, and dryness.

6. May Help Prevent ADHD

Fish oil supplements may improve perceived hyperactivity, inattention, impulsiveness, and aggression in children. This may benefit early life learning. However, more research is needed to confirm this effect.

7. May Support Brain Function

People who eat more fish tend to experience a slower decline in brain function in old age. According to a 2023 meta-analysis of 48 studies, omega-3 supplements may help reduce the risk of dementia and age-related cognitive decline by as much as 20%.

8. May Improve Bone Health

Calcium and vitamin D are very important for bone health, especially in older age, but some studies suggest that omega-3 fatty acids can also be beneficial. People with higher omega-3 intakes and blood levels may have better bone mineral density (BMD).

9. May Help Prevent Symptoms of Mental Decline

According to a 2023 meta-analysis of 48 studies, omega-3 supplements may help reduce the risk of dementia and age-related cognitive decline by as much as 20%.

10. May Improve Asthma Symptoms and Allergy Risk

Research suggests that omega-3 may help with reducing asthma-related inflammation, the severity of symptoms, and even the need to use asthma medications.

11. May Support Overall Health

Omega-3s contribute to typical brain and eye development. They fight inflammation and may help prevent heart disease and a decline in brain function. Because fish oil contains a lot of omega-3s, people who are at risk of these health conditions can benefit from taking it.


In conclusion, fish oil is a valuable supplement that offers numerous benefits for overall health. From supporting heart health to improving brain function, fish oil is an excellent addition to a healthy diet.


Is it good to take fish oil every day?

According to the National Institutes of Health, the recommended dietary intake (RDI) per day for total omega-3 is 1,100 mg for women and 1,600 mg for men.

Who should not take fish oil?

You should not take fish oil supplements if you are allergic to seafood or without consulting a doctor. Ask your doctor first if you’re taking medications like blood thinning drugs or hormonal medications like birth control pills, or if you have any chronic health conditions.

Does fish oil increase testosterone?

A 2020 study found that DHA-enriched fish oil supplements increased testosterone levels in overweight and obese men. However, additional research is needed to substantiate these findings.

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