Saturday, February 15, 2025

Changing the Attitude, Not the Man


Changing the Attitude, Not the Man

A Discussion with Five Successful Weight Loss Subscribers

Meet five men who have achieved weight loss success with Weight Watchers Online. In this installment of the men’s roundtable discussion, they share their secrets, tips, and strategies for losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Key Takeaways

* The importance of adjusting to a weight loss plan that fits your lifestyle
* The benefits of tracking your progress and staying connected with a community of like-minded individuals
* The ease of making healthy substitutions and portion control a part of your daily routine

The Guys Share Their Experiences

John: Life isn’t an eating contest. Eating everything you possibly can is a really awful idea, and I don’t know why I used to be that way. It’s all about eating slowly and keeping track of when you’re satisfied.

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Bryan: The plan doesn’t take long at all to get used to. After a while, you’ll look at your plate and know the POINTS value of everything on it without needing to look it up.

Marc: Before you can make any changes, you’ve got to take a close look at what you’re eating. Seeing those desserts, cheeses, and cream sauces in your POINTS Tracker is a much-needed reality check.

Doc: Even though it’s a lot to learn at first, you have to be exact with your POINTS value calculations. When first starting out, a lot of guys underestimate how many food POINTS values they’ve eaten and overestimate how many activity POINTS values they’ve earned. You’ve got to commit. It’s fun and you’ll learn things, but you have to take it seriously.

Ryan: I discovered it’s incredibly important to devote time to yourself. You’re doing it for you after all.

Adjusting to the Plan

Marc: Very—I never stopped being a foodie. There’s no recipe or ingredient in the universe that can’t be converted into POINTS values, so nothing was off limits for me. If I wanted to cook something special, I just had to fit it into my weekly POINTS Allowance.

Bryan: The plan actually encourages you to keep eating what you always used to eat. You’re not cutting anything out of your diet—you’re just changing the portions.

Doc: I still go out with my buddies for a couple of beers, I just don’t have four. I’ll have pizza, but just a slice or two, rather than the whole pie. That’s not a sacrifice—that’s just being smart.

Staying on Track

Marc: I learned that all foods are not created equal. A slice of white bread is not equal to a slice of multigrain—a cup of regular pasta is not equal to a cup of whole wheat pasta. If you select your foods carefully, you can sometimes have a lot more for the same number of POINTS values.

Ryan: Healthy substitutions are almost as important as portion control—turkey burgers, whole grain chips, fruits, and vegetables. Little additions and changes like that make a huge difference.

Overcoming Obstacles

Bryan: Well, I had an obstacle in front of me as soon as I began—I started following the plan right before my birthday, Thanksgiving, the holidays, and a vacation to Europe. Who does that? But I stuck with it. Wherever I was, I found a computer, went online, and tracked. I lost weight every single week. I thought, “If I can lose weight during the biggest eating weeks of the year, I can do it anytime.”

Ryan: Thanksgiving doesn’t care that you’re on a diet—it’s coming anyway. Personally, I know I’ll never scale back on Thanksgiving dinner, and this year I didn’t have to. I just stayed on plan until that Thursday, ate what I wanted, and then got right back on the plan Friday morning. And you know what? I still lost weight that week.

Weight Loss Online

Marc: is always in a browser window at work. I enter my breakfast first thing in the morning. When I get back from lunch, I enter that too.

John: I can’t wait to enter my POINTS values for the day and see how many I have left. It’s like a game for me. What guy doesn’t love keeping score? Plus, it’s right there in front of you whenever you want to refer back to it. You don’t have to write anything down.

Ryan: You’ve got your progress chart with that little line-graph that keeps creeping down as you lose weight. That visual aid pushes me to work harder.

Final Thoughts

Doc: If it wasn’t for Weight Watchers Online, I wouldn’t be here right now. That’s the only way I could follow any plan. I’ve got a lot of good friends on the Guys on a Diet message board who give great advice, listen to my stories, and offer feedback. They’re all over the country going through the same experiences.


These five men have achieved weight loss success with Weight Watchers Online by making adjustments to their eating habits, staying connected with a community of like-minded individuals, and committing to their goals. With the right mindset and support, anyone can achieve a healthy and sustainable weight loss.


Results not typical.

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