Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Existential uncertainty: how it affects your mind – and what you can do about it


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Existential Uncertainty: How It Affects Your Mind – and What You Can Do About It

With near-constant headlines highlighting the devastating crises humanity is currently facing – from climate change to political polarization and war – many of us are experiencing feelings of existential uncertainty. This can manifest in different ways, such as feeling anxious or distressed when consuming the news, or a more subtle but persistent sense of unease and worry about the future.

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These feelings are actually linked to changes in the brain. By understanding how this works, we can understand what techniques will best help us manage this feeling when we experience it.

Worrying thoughts and feelings about existential threats increase activity in the amygdala, a brain region that responds to threat. This releases stress hormones, first in the brain (hypothalamus and pituitary gland) and then in the adrenal cortex (which sits on top of the kidneys). The release of these hormones from the adrenal cortex can impact our attention, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities due to their effects on two distinct brain regions that support cognitive functions and memory – the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus.

The release of these hormones can also decrease stress hormone levels, but can become less effective at doing so in response to extremely stressful events or very frequent experiences of stress and anxiety. Chronic stress exposure damages these two brain regions, and can create a vicious cycle of prolonged anxiety.

Coping Mechanisms

One common response people use to cope with existential uncertainty is information seeking – where we seek out information about an event or situation in order to feel more certain and less anxious. However, this coping mechanism can lead to doomscrolling on social media, where negative content tends to be shared more frequently and feelings of existential uncertainty are exploited for financial or political gain. Our brains also remember negative information better than positive information, which is why negative content is often used for manipulation.

Managing Existential Uncertainty

To better cope and protect your mental health during times of existential uncertainty, here are some more effective things you can do:

1. Stress-Reduction Exercises

When the news makes you feel anxious, try naming the emotion you’re experiencing. Naming emotions can reduce their intensity and unpleasantness. Then, count to four while breathing in and count to five while breathing out. Breathing out for longer activates the parasympathetic system – the pathway of neural cells that helps the body rest and relax.

Using a "sensory anchor" such as a nearby sound or object to ground your attention in the moment can also be effective. This can quell the stream of worrying thoughts.

Other stress-reducing activities you can add into your daily routine include practicing relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation or taking brief mindfulness breaks. Physical activity, such as dancing or walking, can also temporarily decrease stress as brief acute stress during exercise is another way of activating the parasympathetic system afterwards.

2. Look to Connect

It can be helpful when experiencing existential uncertainty to remind yourself that others are probably feeling the same way. Acknowledging the common humanity of our worries may help reduce feelings of threat we have.

Awe-inducing activities, such as spending time outdoors, making art, or meditating or praying, can all expand feelings of connectedness and reduce worry.

3. Shift Your Thinking

Instead of spending hours doomscrolling, try using your need for information to search for creative solutions or view the crises as opportunities for innovation where you can put your skills to positive use.

Or, try finding initiatives that help create this kind of constructive mindset. This can be anything from volunteering at a food bank or charity, writing a blog to making art. These kinds of activities can have a buffering effect on the stress response by protecting mental health and reducing negative emotions.


Existential uncertainty is a common experience that can have a significant impact on our mental health. By understanding how this works and what techniques can help us manage this feeling, we can take steps to protect our mental well-being during times of uncertainty. By using stress-reduction exercises, connecting with others, and shifting our thinking, we can build resilience and promote a more positive outlook.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the best ways to cope with existential uncertainty?
A: One of the best ways is to practice stress-reduction exercises, such as naming the emotion you’re experiencing, counting to four while breathing in, and counting to five while breathing out. You can also try using a "sensory anchor" or engaging in physical activity.

Q: How can I reduce my anxiety about the news?
A: Try to limit your exposure to the news, and focus on things that you can control. You can also try practicing relaxation techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation or taking brief mindfulness breaks.

Q: What are some ways to build resilience during times of uncertainty?
A: One way is to focus on building a support network, whether that’s through friends, family, or online communities. You can also try engaging in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, and practicing self-compassion.

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