Sunday, February 23, 2025

New research suggests intermittent fasting increases the risk of dying from heart disease. But the evidence is mixed


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New Research Suggests Intermittent Fasting Increases the Risk of Dying from Heart Disease. But the Evidence is Mixed

Intermittent fasting has gained popularity in recent years as a dietary approach with potential health benefits. So you might have been surprised to see headlines last week suggesting the practice could increase a person’s risk of death from heart disease.

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The Study in Question

The research was presented as a scientific poster at an American Heart Association conference last week. The full study hasn’t yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal. The researchers used data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), a long-running survey that collects information from a large number of people in the United States.

This type of research, known as observational research, involves analyzing large groups of people to identify relationships between lifestyle factors and disease. The study covered a 15-year period. It showed people who ate their meals within an eight-hour window faced a 91% increased risk of dying from heart disease compared to those spreading their meals over 12 to 16 hours.

Other Research

Although this research may have a number of limitations, its findings aren’t entirely unique. They align with several other published studies using the NHANES data set. For example, one study showed eating over a longer period of time reduced the risk of death from heart disease by 64% in people with heart failure. Another study in people with diabetes showed those who ate more frequently had a lower risk of death from heart disease.

But I Thought Intermittent Fasting was Healthy?

There are conflicting results about intermittent fasting in the scientific literature, partly due to the different types of intermittent fasting. There’s time-restricted eating, which limits eating to a period of time each day, and which the current study looks at. There are also different patterns of fast and feed days, such as the well-known 5:2 diet.

Despite these different fasting patterns, systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) consistently demonstrate benefits for intermittent fasting in terms of weight loss and heart disease risk factors (for example, blood pressure and cholesterol levels). RCTs indicate intermittent fasting yields comparable improvements in these areas to other dietary interventions, such as daily moderate energy restriction.

So Why Do We See Such Different Results?

RCTs directly compare two conditions, such as intermittent fasting versus daily energy restriction, and control for a range of factors that could affect outcomes. So they offer insights into causal relationships we can’t get through observational studies alone. However, they often focus on specific groups and short-term outcomes. On average, these studies follow participants for around 12 months, leaving long-term effects unknown.


The relationship between eating timing and health is more complex than simply eating more or less regularly. Our bodies are controlled by a group of internal clocks (our circadian rhythm), and when our behavior doesn’t align with these clocks, such as when we eat at unusual times, our bodies can have trouble managing this.


Q: Is intermittent fasting safe?

A: There’s no simple answer to this question. RCTs have shown it appears a safe option for weight loss in the short term. However, people in the NHANES dataset who eat within a limited period of the day appear to be at higher risk of dying from heart disease.

Q: Why is the evidence mixed?

A: The relationship between eating timing and health is more complex than simply eating more or less regularly. RCTs and observational studies often focus on different aspects of this relationship, leading to conflicting results.

Q: What should I do if I’m interested in trying intermittent fasting?

A: If you’re interested in trying intermittent fasting, you should speak to a health professional first. They can help you determine the best approach for your individual health needs and goals.

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