Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Patrick Schwarzenegger on ‘The White Lotus’ Protein Shakes


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Key Takeaways

  • Patrick Schwarzenegger says the protein shakes he drank while filming The White Lotus tasted like “pure chalky sand.”
  • His favorite breakfast is banana pancakes.
  • Every morning, he walks to the beach with his coffee and shares a gratitude list with his fiancée.

If you’re a The White Lotus fan, you know that Patrick Schwarzenegger has been a breakout star this season, to say the least. When EatingWell was given the opportunity to talk with the star, it was an immediate yes.

Through his partnership with Brooks Running, we were able to chat with the actor about his favorite exercises, what his ideal day of eating looks like and more. Wondering what Saxon Ratliff’s infamous protein shakes taste like? We have the answer—and find out what Schwarzenegger adds to his own shake below.

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Your character in The White Lotus loves protein shakes. Are you a protein shake guy yourself?

I am; I do like them. I love peanut butter and banana—and I like a banana with peanut butter as a pre-run fuel, but also I love a peanut butter banana smoothie.

While we were in Thailand, I think I only had maybe one smoothie the seven months we were out there. We really didn’t have many, but I would have the ones that were on set occasionally when we were blending them. Mike [White] thought it was so funny how much protein powder I was putting in the shake. He would film it and he would be like, “Just keep putting more, put more. It’s so funny when you put eight scoops of protein,” and then it would end up tasting just like chalk. It was awful. But I do like smoothies, it’s a refreshing, delicious snack.

So wait, you actually drank The White Lotus protein shakes?

Sometimes we did, and it actually worked out really great for when Sam [Nivola] had to drink them because his character [Lochy] was supposed to hate them, and they actually did taste like pure chalky sand. So he would be drinking it and then my character would be like “chug it, chug it, finish it.” And it would just be so gross for him. So that that part worked out.

What does your ideal day of eating look like? Favorite breakfast, lunch and dinner?

My favorite breakfast is banana pancakes. I love banana pancakes, or a breakfast burrito, or both together, that sounds good. And a coffee, a strong, strong cold brew coffee. That sounds like a really great morning. For lunch, maybe some Italian or sushi. For dinner I’d probably do a really big steak and some mashed potatoes, just a full blown American meal and have a nice dessert of banana pudding or a banana cream pie.

Why partner with Brooks Running?

For me, it always makes sense to partner with a brand that just fits organically. I got introduced to the Brooks Glycerin Max shoe while we were out in Thailand, while we were running and working out, and they caught wind about that. The relationship was formed from there. It’s always fun when you get to work with a brand that you’re a fan of.

Lauren Deccia/Getty Images for Brooks Running

What are some of your favorite ways to exercise or move throughout the day?

I like running, I like walking. My fiancée and I go on a morning walk every single morning. We go get our coffee and we go all the way down to the beach to do our little prayers and gratitude list down there. I like making sure I hit 10,000 steps every day. It drives me crazy when I’m on set and they take my Apple Watch away and I don’t know how many steps I’ve taken. And then when they give it back and it’s at like 200 steps, I have to go and walk on the treadmill or somewhere outside.

I also like weightlifting. I try to do weightlifting, strength training and other forms of exercising as well. I have done pilates a couple of times with my fiancée. She’ll drag me there, and I’ll laugh at how easy it is until my legs are shaking because we’re doing some sort of movement that I’ve never done before. I try to continuously switch it up and move around.

What does “eating well” mean to you?

I try to eat well in the sense of eating healthy overall. I feel better when I’m eating healthier from a physical side, but also from a mental side, and I think that it’s so important, especially when you’re working and you have 13- to 14-hour days, or you’re working through the night and you’re trying to stay focused. I try to eat really high in protein and lower in sugar.

Editor’s Note: This interview has been edited for clarity and length.

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