Wednesday, January 15, 2025

The Benefits of a Weight Loss Buddy or Support Group


The Benefits of a Weight Loss Buddy or Support Group

Sharing your path to better health with others can result in four key benefits.

4 Advantages of Having a Weight Loss Buddy or Support Group

A weight loss buddy or support group can make the journey much more rewarding and successful. Here are the benefits:

1. Increased Accountability

Trying to lose weight on your own can lead to a sense of isolation and lack of motivation. Sharing your goals and struggles with someone who is also trying to make healthy lifestyle changes can help increase your accountability.

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Rather than feeling like you can easily fall back into bad habits, you will have someone to report to and someone who will be checking in on your progress.

2. Feeling More ‘Seen’ and Encouraged

Finding someone to share your successes and setbacks with can create a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

When you have a weight loss buddy or support group, you have someone who truly understands what you’re going through and can offer words of encouragement when you need them most.

3. New Tips and Tricks for Achieving Weight Loss

Having someone who is also trying to achieve weight loss has been shown to increase your chances of reaching your goals.

This is because you both have a pool of knowledge and resources that can be drawn upon, and can learn new tips and tricks to incorporate into your diet and exercise routine.

4. Amplified Results

One of the biggest benefits of having a weight loss buddy or support group is the motivational boost you will receive from knowing you’re not alone in your journey.

Research has shown that those who have support and accountability have a higher chance of achieving their weight loss goals and maintaining the weight loss over the long-term.

Why Choosing the Right Partner Matters

While having any sort of support or accountability can be beneficial for weight loss, it’s important to note that not all supporters are created equal.

Research has shown that partnering up with someone who is unhealthily competitive or critical can actually hinder weight loss efforts, rather than promote them.

Therefore, it’s important to choose a weight loss buddy or support group that is supportive, motivating, and understanding, and who will push you to reach your goals, rather than make you feel self-conscious or stressed.

The Importance of Social Support in Weight Loss

Social support from a weight loss buddy or support group is crucial to achieving and maintaining weight loss.

Research has shown that having social support can lead to increased self-efficacy, lower levels of depression and anxiety, and more sustained weight loss.

If you don’t have a traditional weight loss buddy or support group, consider finding one through an online community, health coach, or fitness class.

Remember, having social support is important, but ultimately, you are responsible for making sure you follow through on your promises to yourself and show up for your commitments.


Having a weight loss buddy or support group can make a significant difference in your journey towards achieving and maintaining weight loss.

By having someone who shares your goals and aspirations, you can increase your accountability, receive emotional support, gain new insights and motivation, and amplify your weight loss efforts.

Whether you have a traditional weight loss buddy or support group, or find your support online or through a class, make sure you choose someone who is supportive, motivating, and understanding, and who will be there to encourage and support you throughout your journey.


Q: Do I need to have a face-to-face meeting with my weight loss buddy or support group?

A: No, you don’t have to have a face-to-face meeting to get the benefits of social support. You can get support and accountability through an online community or with a health coach.

Q: Is having a weight loss buddy or support group only for people who live with others?

A: No, having a weight loss buddy or support group is for anyone who wants to get support and accountability. You don’t have to live with someone to find a weight loss buddy.

Q: Can having a weight loss buddy or support group be difficult if one person is not feeling motivated or engaged?

A: Yes, having a weight loss buddy or support group can be more challenging if one person is not motivated or engaged. It’s important to make sure everyone is on the same page and understands the importance of regular check-ins and support.

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