Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Why Stagnation Happens and How to Move Forward


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Why Stagnation Happens and How to Move Forward

Have You Been Feeling Stuck?

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One of the worst places to be is in a rut, where you feel stuck in your career, relationships, and personal goals. You may be at a standstill, not necessarily hating your job enough to leave, but also not feeling enthusiastic about staying. This can happen in your relationships, where you feel disconnected and unsatisfied with the status quo. You may be yearning for more meaningful interactions, greater connection, and a sense of belonging. Or, you may be struggling to start new routines, achieve a healthy lifestyle, and devote your time to activities that bring you joy. This is what we call stagnation.

Stagnation: A Lack of Personal Movement, Growth, or Development

Stagnation refers to a state of being where certain areas of your life have come to a standstill, and you’re no longer making progress. This can be due to a lack of change or movement, which can lead to feelings of unhappiness and dissatisfaction. When we’re stuck in a rut, we may find ourselves falling into negative patterns, habits, or routines that only serve to reinforce our stagnation.

Stagnation Examples

  • "I’ve been at the same job for years now and feel unengaged. I wish I could be doing something different, but I don’t feel like I could find a better job. I try reminding myself to be grateful for my current situation, but the longer I stay, the worse I feel."
  • "I really need to start getting in shape and taking better care of myself. Every time I try a new routine, I don’t stick with it. I don’t feel like I have the time or energy to make any of these commitments work long term."
  • "I don’t have a lot of good friends or close family relationships. I desperately want to feel more connected to others, but everything I try to do hasn’t worked. When I muster up the energy to spend time with people, the relationships never seem to go anywhere."
  • "My relationships with friends and family seem strained. I don’t like how we all communicate, and I feel frustrated and discouraged after being around them. I know we need to change how we’re communicating, but I don’t know what I’m supposed to do."

What Causes Stagnation?

Stagnation can occur when we’re stuck in a rut, feeling comfortable but unfulfilled. This can be due to:

  1. Being in the same place for too long: When we’re not making any changes, we can become more set in our ways and less inclined to make changes.
  2. Discouraging past experiences: It’s hard to leave a comfortable but unfulfilling situation when we’ve had bad experiences in the past. This can lead to feelings of fear and uncertainty about change.
  3. Feeling stressed and burned out: Making important changes can require a lot of time and energy, which can be challenging when we’re already feeling drained.
  4. Stress that’s not overwhelming: It’s hard to motivate ourselves to make changes when things aren’t in crisis mode. Stagnation can cause long-term pain and suffering.

Tips for Getting Through Stagnation

Stop Making Excuses

There’s always a good reason for stagnation, but that’s the problem. Instead of focusing on the reasons, take responsibility for the things you can change in your life.

Focus on the Next Action Step

Any movement can help break the cycle of stagnation. Do you want to get into better physical shape? Commit to taking a daily walk. Are you feeling lonely and isolated? Start reaching out to people you know and try to expand your social circle. Do you feel disengaged from work? Make a plan to change your role or start networking with others.

Bring in Others for Support

It’s easier to stay accountable when others are holding us to our goals. Find trusted individuals who care about you, are willing to help, and will actually make a difference. This can include professionals like therapists, personal trainers, or career coaches.

Refuse to Do Nothing

Not making a decision is a decision. Stop making that decision and commit to making a decision. If you’re unsure, take steps to gain clarity. If you’re unhappy with something, commit to a time to address the issue. Refuse to be someone who just sits on problems indefinitely.

Stop Waiting for the "Right" Time or Perfect Decision

Most decisions are better than delaying a decision. Having some movement in your life makes it easier to build momentum for bigger changes. Don’t know what job to apply for? Just apply for something. Uncertain about starting a gym membership or private workout plan? Start going for walks and working out at home before deciding.

Set Some Deadlines

Set a time for important conversations, job searches, or new routines. There’s no good excuse for not setting a deadline for what needs to be done and how to achieve it.

Stop Wasting Your Time

Excessive social media use, TV watching, or phone browsing can make you feel less motivated to make changes. These activities also take up valuable time that could be spent on meeting your goals.

Questions and Challenges for You to Consider:

  • What areas of your life are feeling stagnant?
  • What are the reasons for your stagnation?
  • How can you take one step to create movement in your life?


Stagnation is a natural part of life, but it’s not inevitable. By recognizing the signs of stagnation, understanding what causes it, and taking action, we can break free from the cycle and create positive change in our lives. Remember, it’s never too late to start, and every step forward counts.

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